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Re:海外から義援金を送りたいという友人がいるのですが |
投稿日 2011年3月25日(金)14時08分 投稿者 りんママ@獣医師広報板スタッフ
久保田さん はじめまして 動物の為には、下記のサイトで緊急災害時動物救援本部のサイトで募金をお願いしております。 ご指摘のように、日本の銀行口座以外への募金については、緊急災害時動物救援本部でも只今検討をしているとの情報も伺っております。 詳細がわかり緊急災害時動物救援本部のサイトでも発表がありますが、次第こちらの掲示板でもご案内をさせて頂くつもりでおります。 末尾になりますが、構成団体の一つである「社団法人日本動物福祉協会 Animal Welfare Society」からのアナウンスレターを転載させて頂きますので、ご説明とさせて頂きたく存じます。 今回のような大規模災害は近年ありませんでしたので、何ヶ月かで終える活動ではありません。今後も現地と一緒に長期にわたる活動が必要となります。 よろしくお願い致します。 緊急災害時動物救援本部 http://www.jpc.or.jp/saigai/ The Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters (Japan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) http://www.vets.ne.jp/faq/pc/saigai005_english.html 緊急災害時動物救援本部とは http://www.vets.ne.jp/faq/pc/saigai004.html The Great Earthquake The Northeastern side of Japan suffered a major earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011. Many areas , especially the coastal towns have been literally washed away. Though it is true that incredible numbers of people are suffering greatly from the aftermath of this unprecedented disaster we also need to think of our animal friends. Fortunately many, many people were able to escape with their animals, but just as many were washed ashore either with their people or not… There are not as many animals wandering through the disaster area as compared to the Great Hanshin Earthquake. Many of the animals did not survive the tsunami. The local media reported a heart-rendering story of an old woman living alone with her poodle. She was soaked up to her neck in water for hours before the rescue squad found her. She had placed the poodle out of harms way by lifting her above her head. Alas her feeble arms could not withstand the cold and fatigue and when her hand slipped the old dog fell into the water. The old woman immediately scooped the dog back up again but according to her, after getting soaking wet the dog began to shake and did not survive the ordeal. “I feel so guilty about not being able to save my poor dog…she was too old.” The local media also reported running into a man walking through the rubble. He said he was looking for his wife…and when the reporter looked again a small Chihuahua was peeking out from under his overcoat. “I ran as fast as I could with him and the cat, but the cat got lost in the turmoil..” were his words. This little dog may be the only family he has left. The people and the animals need your help. Currently the only official rescue work is being conducted by the disaster response team formed jointly by the Japan Veterinary Medical Association, the Japan Animal Welfare Society, the Japan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Japan Pet Care Association. The latter groups are the largest animal welfare charities in the country and are connected to local veterinary associations. The aim of the team is to shelter as many animals as is possible near the area by recruiting the help of local vet clinics that are still functioning. They also need to prepare facilities and supplies for the great number of refugees flowing into neighboring areas as most people have fled without much preparation. This will be a long and uphill battle for everyone but the core team is determined to do what they can and to persevere till the end. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Below is the account number for the Japan Animal Welfare Society that has been put in charge of channeling foreign support for the animals here on behalf of the aforementioned disaster response team.. We are sorry that the account is with a Japanese bank which may make it difficult for some to access. We are understaffed and have not been able as of yet to set up a payment system using web money. Once it is completed we will notify you immediately. Thank-you for your kindness and we thank you on behalf of the animals of Japan. Japan Veterinary Medical Association Japan Animal Welfare Society Japan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Japan Pet Care Association
獣医師広報板は、町の犬猫病院の獣医師(主宰者)が「獣医師に広報する」「獣医師が広報する」 ことを主たる目的として1997年に開設したウェブサイトです。(履歴) サポーターや広告主の方々から資金応援を受け(決算報告)、趣旨に賛同する人たちがボランティア スタッフとなって運営に参加し(スタッフ名簿)、動物に関わる皆さんに利用され(ページビュー統計)、 多くの人々に支えられています。 獣医師広報板へのリンク・サポーター募集・ボランティアスタッフ募集・プライバシーポリシー 獣医師広報板の最新更新情報をTwitterでお知らせしております。 @mukumuku_vetsさんをフォロー
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